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Future Proofing DWDM for 400G Optics

In LambdaGain’s previous blog on 400G compatible Mux/Demux technology, we saw how the evolution of high-speed optics has exceeded the design capabilities of traditional DWDM multiplexer systems. In response, LambdaGain developed 400G compatible mux technology to enable operators to build networks that are ready for the next generation of access network optics.

LambdaGains 400G compatible DWDM platform is already in service with leading operators. In an astute application of this technology, a prominent Tier 1 telecommunications provider in Europe used it to address a significant technology migration challenge. They were grappling with increasing bandwidth demands and facing the limitations of their existing Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) network. Anticipating an exponential rise in bandwidth demands, the client sought to proactively enhance their network with Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system to maximize fiber utilization.

The Challenge

The immediate need was to transition from a low-bandwidth CWDM system to a more efficient DWDM system. However, the client realized that high-speed data transmission up to 400G could be required in the future. However, 400G signals are incompatible with standard DWDM filters (For more details, read our blog The 400G DWDM challenge). The operator thus sought a DWDM infrastructure that would ensure maximum future proofness of their investment.

Solution by LambdaGain

LambdaGain responded to this challenge by developing an innovative family of DWDM multiplexers, engineered to integrate 400G services alongside lower speeds. This was achieved by incorporating optical filters designed to accommodate the higher bandwidth requirements of 400G Coherent optics.


The strategic decision to implement 400G compatible infrastructure not only provided immediate relief to fiber bandwidth constraints by adding extra DWDM channels, but also laid a robust foundation for future bandwidth scaling. This approach was in perfect alignment with the operator’s strategy of future-proofing their network while addressing current limitations.

This case study underscores the importance of future-proofing passive infrastructure within fiber optic networks. Previously considered technology-agnostic, passive optical networks must now adapt to the imminent era of high-speed data transmission beyond 100Gbps. 

Fernando Donoso

Product Marketing Manager